Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Kayking with Friends and News!!!

Well it has been a while since I have posted! Sorry for the delay- but between running the Boot Camps in the morning, launching the NEW VIRTUAL BOOT CAMP (www.TheVirtualBootCamp.com), Adventure Racing, and Kayaking- I have not had a moment to sit and collect my thoughts to write to you all!!!

On Saturday June 21, a couple of friends of mine from the Queens Adventure Boot Camp for women went Kayaking with me!!! All Boot Campers were invited to attend!!! We had a BLAST!!!! Here are some pics!!! The next trip is surfing lessons at Long Beach!!! Fitness does not mean living in a gym! It means being healthy, being active, being happy!!!

The VIRTUAL BOOT CAMP is up and running!!! Check out www.TheVirtualBootCamp.com for more info!!!

A new COMMUNITY BLOG HAS BEEN SET UP and is active!!! Now you can all blog about your experiences, your feelings, recipes, questions etc!

Check out www.QuuensLongIslandBootCamp.com

You can register with your firstname.lastname for username......and then BLOG AWAY!!!

Pick up a copy of New Living Magazine if you get the chance! I am featured in it- with an article on Boot Camp Move of the Month!!!

Have a Happy, and Safe Fourth of July! Happy Birthday America!!!

Until next week,

Stay focused until the Miracle Happens!


Tuesday, June 17, 2008



On Saturday June 14, The Queens Adventure Boot Camp participated in an amazing event! We ran the High Trek Adventure Race and raised over $3300 for the New York Special Olympics!!! What a blast we had! The Adventure Boot Camp team placed #51 out of 75 teams!!! Keep in mind- the delay was in our lack of trivia knowledge and Manhattan geography! But we finished in just over three hours and had a blast!!! Fellow Boot Camper Randi Grossack- saved the day with her wisdom and drive!!! Thank you Randi!!! Without her- I am afraid I would still be at the starting gate!!! LOL We had a blast! Thank you to all that sponsored us and made this day great! It is wonderful to get fit, have fun and give back to the community!!!

This Saturday the Queens Long Island Adventure Boot Camp is going Kayaking!!! AWESOME! I will post pics and commentary next week!!!!

It is official! The Virtual Boot Camp has arrived!!!

Check out www.TheVirtualBootCamp.com or www.OperationBeachBody.com

For those of you who cannot make it to camp every day- this program enables you to be a part of the program. with daily motivational emails, daily workout missions (that can be accomplished in a gym, at home or outside!!!), nutritional protocol, bi weekly check ins, and more!!!

Make it a great week!!! Remember- I am here if you want to chat! You can reach me at:

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Greetings!!! Here is a picture of the Queens Boot Campers stretching it out after a tough upper body workout!!! You go ladies!!! We certainly do have a blast every morning and WORK OUR BUTTS OFF!!! LITERALLY! I have some very exciting news!!!

Becky's Fitness Company is about to launch the FIRST EVER VIRTUAL BOOT CAMP!

THE VIRTUAL BOOT CAMP - OPERATION BEACH BODY! This program will consist of daily motivational emails from Becky, daily exercise missions (daily workouts), Nutrition Protocal to help you meet your goals, Bi-weekly progress checks with Becky, free membership into The Body Transformation Club, and MORE!!!!

Visit www.TheVirtualBootCamp.com or www.OperationBeachBody.com for more info!!!

In the spirit of Adventure and to help inspire, motivate and excite you all - I try to write a little about my personal life adventures- and show you clips of what I do- when I am not eating sleeping or screaming my head off at camp!! On May 29, I had a wood breaking class- as I am preparing for an upcoming martial arts competition in October at Queens College, where I intend on competing in Form, Sparring (yes- full contact fighting) and Wood Breaking!!! Here is a clip of my lesson!!! I hope you all come cheer me on at the competition!!! I will keep you posted on dates, times etc!!! Have a great week!!!